Legal Notice

Guarantees & responsibilities
DPAP has taken all the usual precautions to ensure both reliable information and secure access to its site However, DPAP cannot, under any circumstances, guarantee the total absence of material error, technical or other deficiency. Likewise, no guarantee can be given as to the compatibility of the site with your particular means and uses.

DPAP cannot be held responsible for any damage whatsoever related to the use of its site, and disclaims all responsibility for information contained in other sites that may be linked to its own by a hypertext link or any other means.

Intellectual property rights
All elements (texts, logos, images, videos, graphic or sound elements, software, icons, layout, database, etc.), visual or sound, reproduced on the Site, which are the exclusive property of the publisher, are protected by intellectual property rights.

As such, except with the prior written authorization of the company DPAP, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and / or partial or complete transformation, or transfer to another website of any element making up the Site is strictly prohibited.

Failure to comply with this prohibition may constitute an act of counterfeiting engaging the civil and criminal liability of its author.

Finally, DPAP recalls that any creation of a hypertext link to the home page of this Site or any other page of the Site is subject to the express, prior and written agreement of YOOM.

Responsible for the publication of the site
Nicolas BANSE

Photographic credits
Photos © DPAP

The head office

ZI Romanerie Sud, 24, rue de la Gibaudière
49124 St Barthelemy d'Anjou


Fax: 02 41 27 21 27


Registration in the Trade and Companies Register under number:
Angers B 382 865 939
Company registration number:
382 865 939 00021
SAS with capital of:
1,046,000 €

Intra-community VAT number

EC VAT identification number: FR 71 382 865 939
Site host:

1 & 1 Internet SARL
7, place de la Gare
BP 70109
57201 Sarreguemines Cedex
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