Terms of Sales

Article 1 - Application of the general conditions of sale - opposability of the general conditions of sale
This is a contract for the sale of high-end products within the framework of a distance sale on the INTERNET site of EPIOCEAN.FR. The present general conditions of sale govern the contractual relations between the company DPAP - and its customer, the two parts accepting these without reserve. These general conditions fully accepted by the customer and applicable to any order placed on the site will prevail over all other conditions of sale.

Article 2 - Identification of the parties
The sales contract is concluded between:

SAS with capital of € 1,046,000
SIRET 382 865 939 000 21
Intra-community VAT number: FR 71 382 865 939
ZI Romanerie Sud - 24 rue de la Gibaudière
49124 St. Barthélémy d'Anjou
Tel: 33 (0) 2 41 27 21 21 (customer service)
E-mail address: boutique@epiocean.fr

Appointed the Seller, on the one hand, and a consumer, a natural person acting outside his professional activity, named the Customer, on the other hand.

Article 3 - Applicable law
This contract is subject to French law, more particularly to the regulation of distance selling (articles L 121-16 to L121-20 of the consumer code) incorporating directive 97/7 CE of 20 May 1997 relating to the protection consumers in terms of distance contracts.

Article 4 - Data Protection Act
The provision of personal information collected for the purposes of distance selling is mandatory, this information being essential for the processing and delivery of orders as well as the establishment of invoices. Failure to provide information results in the order being invalid. The customer gives his consent to the use of personal data collected under the terms of this order, under the DPAP customer file.

The customer can thus be brought with his agreement, to receive offers or commercial or promotional proposals emanating from DPAP.

In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, the processing of this personal information has been declared to the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL). The consumer has at any time a right of access and rectification of the data concerning him and of opposition to their treatment which he can exercise with DPAP

Article 5 - Validity of the offer
Offers on the site are valid while they are online.

- Territorial scope
The geographical area covered by the offer, collection and delivery is limited to Angers and its periphery

Article 6 - Acceptance of the offer
The buyer will receive an E-mail which will list the constituent elements of his order.

7. General obligation of the parties
7-1. DPAP's obligations
The automatic registration systems of the epiocean.fr site of DPAP are considered as proof of the nature of the sale and its date.

DPAP undertakes, after confirmation of the order and validation of payment in accordance with the Price and Payment articles hereof, to sell and make available or deliver the products ordered to the designated recipient during working hours (Monday to Friday)
- within 3 working days

The above deadlines are understood to be excluding delivery problems and subject to product availability.

DPAP reserves the right not to register an order in the event of force majeure and undertakes to notify the customer.

7-2 Customer obligations
By placing an order with delivery, you agree to take delivery of the products ordered by you and to pay the price thereof, the costs of transporting the products, as well as the value added tax.
By placing an order with collection at a withdrawal point, you agree to come and collect the products ordered by you, to pay the price thereof, as well as the value added tax.

DPAP guarantees that the products have undergone the necessary care to ensure that they conform to their description on the site.

The customer's attention is however drawn to the fact that he is solely responsible for the conservation and use of the products from their availability or delivery. The customer must in particular take care not to consume the products beyond the expiry date appearing on the labeling.

The customer may not in any case resell all or part of these products. Any order placed by a customer is exclusively intended for his personal consumption or for the personal consumption of the person in whose name the delivery is to be made. In the latter case, the customer asserts the personal acceptance of these general conditions by the recipient of the package. DPAP undertakes to inform the recipient of the planned delivery. You will be responsible for any damage that DPAP may suffer, directly or indirectly, due to the failure by you or the person who takes delivery of the products to comply with the obligations imposed on you under these general conditions of sale.

Article 8 - Price
- France
The prices indicated on the site are in Euros and French Francs, VAT included, shipping and delivery costs excluded.

Article 9 - Payment
All purchases must be paid for before provision or delivery. Payment for orders is made online on the site, by credit card (Carte Bleue, Visa, Eurocard, Mastercard)

Payment by credit card is made securely through the secure electronic payment terminal STRIPE. Depending on the technical characteristics of both the SSL space and the STRIPE encryption software, the information provided by the buyer cannot be intercepted by a third party. The information entered on the customer is encrypted and will not circulate unencrypted on the INTERNET. The order will only be validated by DPAP when the bank server has given its authorization for the transaction.

Article 10 - Availability
All orders will be honored within the limits of available stocks. In case of unavailability of products after placing your order, we will inform the Customer by e-mail or by telephone within 24 hours (working day). The Customer can then request the cancellation of his order or the exchange of the product (s) concerned.

Article 11 - Execution of the order
DPAP will only make available or deliver the products ordered once STRIPE has given its agreement to the payment. In case of rejection of payment, the order will be automatically canceled and the customer notified.

DPAP reserves the right to refuse any order from a customer with whom there is an ongoing dispute.

Article 12 - Delivery
Delivery costs depend on the place of delivery. They are indicated in the order before validation and payment thereof.
The choice of routing and delivery method is the responsibility of DPAP.This will be carried out at the address indicated by the customer who undertakes to indicate to DPAP an address where delivery can be made during working days (from Monday to Friday) .In case of absence, a notice will be given to him in order to agree with the carrier of a second passage.

DPAP can in no way be held responsible for any degradation of the products due to the late receipt of a package due to the absence of the customer or the person authorized to receive it.

The Customer must check the packages as soon as they arrive in the presence of the carrier and inform DPAP of any anomaly within 24 hours.

Article 13 - Complaints
The products delivered by DPAP have undergone the most rigorous care before their packaging and their dispatch, which is carried out in such a way as to preserve the perfect conservation of the products. In the event of a package visibly damaged upon receipt, you must have the problem noted during delivery and immediately enter it on the driver's delivery slip or on the form reserved for this purpose.

If the damage is inside the package, you must urgently make any reservations in writing with the carrier and within 24 hours at the latest. Reservations must be precise and detailed. A copy of this document must simultaneously be sent to DPAP by regular or electronic mail accompanied by the transport document.

In the event of missing goods in the package, the customer must also notify DPAP within 24 hours of receipt of the package. After verification and investigation with its departments, DPAP undertakes to return the missing goods. This is why we strongly encourage you to have the packages checked upon receipt, in the presence of the carrier if possible..

Article 14 - Cancellation period

In accordance with the provisions of article 121-20 of the consumer code, FRESH PRODUCTS ARE EXCLUDED FROM THE RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL. Fresh products (requiring storage at controlled temperature) are neither taken back nor exchanged. This provision concerns in particular all taramas, fish roe and smoked fish (non-exhaustive list).

Return costs are the responsibility of the customer.

Article 15 - Guarantees
DPAP guarantees that the products delivered comply with the legislation in force and that they have been the subject of the most attentive care before their packaging and their dispatch, which is carried out in such a way as to preserve the perfect conservation of the products.

If you are not fully satisfied, DPAP will reimburse the product (s) concerned in the event of deterioration in the quality of the products. In this case, the customer must immediately return the package to DPAP for verification.

However, DPAP cannot guarantee that the products meet the personal taste expectations of the person who will consume them.
Perishable or semi-preserved products must be refrigerated between 0 and 4 ° upon receipt.

No return or replacement of specialty will be accepted after expiration of the use-by date.

16. Settlement of disputes
Any dispute as to the validity, interpretation or execution of this contract will be submitted to the competent courts in accordance with the terms provided for in article 46 of the New Code of Civil Procedure.

Our customer service is at your disposal to best resolve any dispute that may arise and to find an amicable solution. You can contact him by phone at 33 (0) 2 41 27 21 21 or by email at boutique@epiocean.fr. Complaints will be processed within ten days of receipt.

Article 17 - Intellectual property
Use of the epiocean.fr website is reserved for strictly personal use. All brands, logos, texts, photos, illustrations and images, whether visual or sound, appearing on the epiocean.fr site are protected by copyright, trademark law or design law. . They are the full and entire property of DPAP or of the companies of the group to which it belongs or of its partners.

Unless the prior and express authorization of DPAP, any representation and / or reproduction of all or part of the epiocean.fr site and / or one of its elements is expressly prohibited, under penalty of counterfeiting.

Any link to the epiocean.fr site using the technique known as framing or in-line linking is strictly prohibited.

The head office

ZI Romanerie Sud, 24, rue de la Gibaudière
49124 St Barthelemy d'Anjou


Fax: 02 41 27 21 27
Email: boutique@epiocean.fr


Registration in the Trade and Companies Register under number:
Angers B 382 865 939
Company registration number:
382 865 939 00021
SAS with capital of:
1,046,000 €

Intra-community VAT number

EC VAT identification number: FR 71 382 865 939
Site host:

1 & 1 Internet SARL
7, place de la Gare
BP 70109
57201 Sarreguemines Cedex
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